Thursday, March 15, 2007

Your Time Is Now...

Having spent most of the last week in pain - it reminded me that it's easy to take things for granted.

I cannot tell you how great it felt the other night being able to just go to bed and be able to lie down and go to sleep with having to sit up, in pain, until I was tired enough to drop off to sleep.

Yet - by the time the next night came around - it was just a case of getting into bed as usual - 'so what'?

It's easy to forget what YOU have got going for you if YOU really think about it.

Many of the worries you may have are probably based either on what has happened in the past - or around what you THINK might happen in the future!

All of which shouldn't really matter when RIGHT NOW is concerned!

Often it takes the loss of something to make you realize how valuable and special it was to you in the first place.

YOU have talents and skills that you take for granted - which other people would gladly wish they had.

Don't wait until circumstances make it difficult (or seemingly impossible) to make the most of them.

YOUR time is NOW - never, ever, forget that!

Taken from vurnumg

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